Saints Move In Mysterious Ways

Tomorrow, Thursday, is St. Jude day. People from all over the metropolis flock during the afternoon to a small church right beside the Presidential Palace to attend mass and to pray novenas to the patron of hopeless cases and things despaired of. The church-goers are a diverse bunch: students who wanted to pass the board exams, teachers who wish their visa applications will get approved, sons who beg for their parents to get healed, daughters who are in search for a Caucasian husband. I don't fall in any of the groups, my case for St. Jude is different.
I've been praying to St. Jude for three weeks, after a two-year hiatus. Back in college, I prayed for two things: for a great career in advertising and for our political party to sweep the upcoming student council elections. I never landed an ad job and none of our candidates won. Although I did not blame the saint for that, I discontinued my novenas from then on, only to realize that saints, and their intercessions with God, move in mysterious ways.
Last year, I landed a job on a TV show, with my father's help. I guess he needed someone in the family to follow his footsteps. After working for two months as a researcher, I was promoted as segment producer, and a raise and praise from the executive producer to boot. Months before, our political party swept six of seven council positions, including the president.
Flash forward to three weeks ago, it was a Wednesday. My mind was a battle of thoughts and endless option-weighing. Although I feel comfortable in doing TV work, I could hear the call from afar to re-venture in literary writing. My dad has been prodding me to go rolling to the Free Mountains and follow the path taken by my mom and older caregivers. It feels so hard to leave the country that you love, and all the people and places you would leave behind, but still feel hopeless about the land's current stale state. It has become too heavy a load that I needed someone to help me in my decision. I turned to St. Jude Thaddeus.
I pray my novenas requesting St. Jude to help me make the right decisions, decisions that I will eventually not regret. Making a bad decision has become a phobia for me, because I have made some and it paid me dearly.
Tomorrow, or perhaps in a day...or a year...or so, I will hear his answer.
Interesting BLOG. I'm not Catholic, but I have developed a certain fascination with Saints. I work for a Catholic publisher in the United States and keep a BLOG that discusses my work and some quirky topics like Saints (not that Saints are quirky - but my interest in them might be).
ANYWAY - feel free to check out My Fascination With Saints.
P. Del Ricci - Dark Glass
Wed Oct 12, 10:36:00 PM GMT+8
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