Enter The Chrysalis Phase

I think I'm in a chrysalis stage, folding up like a coccoon before becoming a magnificent butterfly, as I seem to enter a chapter in life that could make or break me (career-wise).
So right I'm beginning to beg for your forgiveness if my career posts won't be as a tell-all as it used to be. But I will entertain you with what's more from me (you know the empress, his life is random).
How it started you ask? Well, let me tell you a teaser.
It all began yesterday (Friday). A text message from someone I'm familiar with requested me to meet with her (that's a clue there). After several messages and phone calls, I managed to squeeze the meeting despite the hectic Saturday TV shooting. She introduced me to my new client, and boy was I blown away.
Who is he you ask? Sorry, but I've just signed an agreement of confidentiality. And it's nothing to do for me to become some international empress of mystery. It's just another load of work, topped with cherries (note the plurals).
But that doesn't mean I'll be leaving Kids TV from then on. I have a lot of time in the world as a freelance creative multi-media multi-tasker, this third-generation showbiz personality who thought Dolphy was my uncle.
In the meantime, let me say thank you for those who sent me e-mails about their interest in the friend that I'm pimping. He says that he was very elated for the support and knew all along that my legion of minions (err...fans) will not let him down. Again, thank you...that's what he says.
Way to go! Goodluck with your "developmental stage" ;-)
Who is this client? I'm intrigued. Are you going to tell us? Or if you told this information, we'd get killed? Hehe... :-S
Sun Nov 20, 04:20:00 AM GMT+8
good luck on the metamorphosis!
by the way, the tag is ready. check it out. good day.
Wed Nov 23, 08:39:00 AM GMT+8
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