TAG: The Alphabet Game
A is for ANGELA -- She is my best friend back in high school. My "sorority" sister, my confidante, my advise couselor, my critic. I haven't got the chance to get in touch with her recently, but what I know is that she is about to get married. Best Wishes!
B is for BAGS -- I tend to carry bags with me wherever I go, kinda like a security blanket filled with "abubot", "papeles", etc. I prefer messenger bags sine I tend to carry a lot of stuff.
C is for CROSS -- I tend to do the sign of the cross. No, not because I'm too religious, but for safe travel. They say 2005 is a crazy year (you've seen the disasters did you?) and I don't wanna take it for granted.
D is for DAGDAG -- It's my mom's maiden surname. It means "to add". Weird huh?

E is for ENCANTADIA -- One of my fave TV shows. Almost every Pinoy watches this fantasy drama series. The show is about to end, but it's Book 2 (Etheria) will be premiering soon.
F is for FLU -- No, not bird flu. I had a terrible case of influenza back in college and I was in school when I got all shaky and warm. Good thing some concerned classmates took me to the campus clinic which was manned by a tall and cute intern. I slept in the infirmary for to hours before my mom arrived to fetch me.
G is for GAY -- I have never been ashamed of me being gay. Lightning may hit me right now, but I will remain gay. I may be crucified upside down, and still insist on being gay. I may be drowned on a drum full of water, and I might turn into a mermaid.

I is for IVY -- My favorite character in Soul Calibur 2. It is a critically-acclaimed weapon-based fighter video game. As you can see, Isabella Valentine (more popularly known as the wicked Ivy) wields one of the most bad-ass weapons ever conceived: the sword-whip. When dad got home from the US, he got me a SC2 game for our PS2. Boy was I delighted! But now I got one, I will beg my mom to send me Soul Calibur 3 which was released last month.
J is for JAPAN -- I have always been fascinated about going to this country. I would watch on TV some video features about Japan such as their traditional festivals (like the exposition of dolls made of flowers), their innovative artwork (like an artificial tortoise shell made from beer), and unique personalities (like a vocal coach who teach people how to sing correctly by repeatedly making them sing the Birthday Song). Someday, I will have the chance to visit Japan and have fun.

L is for LOVE -- I still seek for that one true love. Never mind what I have been through.
M is for MARUJA -- The Empress, of course! I thought of Mike, but, nah...
N is for NANO I-POD -- Oh, how I wanted to have one, but my parents discourage me from owning expensive things, since I tend to lose them.
O is for OFFICE -- I hate office work, that's why I always settle for jobs that I would be away from the confines of a cubicle. Good thing I tend to find some.
P is for PINOY BIG BROTHER -- I HATE Pinoy Big Brother. Yes, I've finally said it. I HATE PINOY BIG BROTHER. That feels so good to say. The show's obviously fixed, people already know who will win (because they favor the poorest housemate who could out-dish the "choco-rice porridge for Christmas" story), it's rigged. Oh, and did I say fixed?
Q is for QUEEN -- Synonym for Empress, well, almost have the same meaning.
R is for RANT -- I only rant on the internet. I am a type of person who doesn't say my anger towards a certain person. I just try keeping a friendly face and be civil. Hey, that's showbusiness.

T is for TV -- Despite my multi-media careers, I think I would make a name out of TV (aside from blogging, of course). I think I might end up doing dad's job as a director. That would be cool.

U is for UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS -- Its full name is Pontifical And Royal University Of Santo Tomas, The Catholic University Of The Philippines. It is here where I spent my college years (the most enjoyable years of my life). This is where I gained fame/notoriety when I was baptized as Maruja. This is where I met Mike. This is where I honed my writing skills. This is where I learned that life is spent best happily.
V is for VELVET ROPE -- Errol's events and modeling agency. I started here as a model agent/ writer/ production coordinator. I am proud to say that I helped him (in my own little way ) and the company rise to where it is now. I mean, I still accept his job calls even if I don't work for him anymore, including the latest as writer for Elite Model Look Philippines 2005.
W is for WORLD PEACE -- Why nots? Honestly, I couldn't think of anything in me that begins in W.
X is for X-MEN -- Old gayspeak which means "former men". In other words, gay.
Y is for YELLOW -- My favorite color. It's cheerful.
Z is for ZOOM -- From this moment on, I am zooming forward. Forget the ugly pieces of the past, foresee the triumphs and glory ahead of the obstacles. Take the first step toward achieving the goal of establishing my queendom.
And on that note, I shall pass the legacy of creating their own Alphabet Game to the following bloggers:
* FuzzBuck Fuzz
* Sexy Bradley
* and Mandz
hi! great list! here via michele today but you know i've always loved ya! :)
Sat Nov 12, 03:09:00 AM GMT+8
I came to check out your blog and saw everything from A to Z. Nice work. Very impressive blog design.
P.S. - Thanks for the link on your blog. I linked you back on mine.
Sat Nov 12, 03:50:00 PM GMT+8
Awesome! Thanks for giving me the legacy. Nice
Mon Nov 14, 10:36:00 AM GMT+8
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