Bitchy Mikey Mike
Don't forget to visit my latest blog renter, Bitchy Mikey Mike. This young fashionista hailing from the Island of Cebu (home of renowned Hollywood designer Monique Llulhier) leads a colorful life that deserves to be viewed.

Isn't it weird how one night could make you forget your senses, including common sense?
I admit that I have done something wrong to you: I only viewed our moment as casual, you saw it in a different perspective. After you rubbed your mouth against my shoulders, you whispered some words. I didn't answer.
You whispered it again, "I love you." I was motionless. I don't feel your same sudden libido-charged sentiments.
Those were the words I don't want to hear in such brief moments.
I told you that I will always come back to you. Yes, it's true. On that moment we shared sweat, kisses, and skin, I felt like I was a woman. Honestly, I've never felt that before. Oh, how you strategically placed your lips against my flesh, how you held my hand so tight, never letting go until it was over.
After that, you thought I loved you and I missed you. I say yes on the latter.
Please, don't be mad. I only thought it is the best option for both of us. You were trying to forget your lost love. I was trying to feel what love was like.
In case we go out again, we should drop all our burdens and relive the moment without raging emotions. And everything we have done will only remain there.

A Sunday conversation with friends gone charged with curiosity and teasing. A guy friend of mine asked me a lot of questions about my sexual habits. I tried to answer with the lowest tone possible, aware of the elderly couple looking towards our table topped with sundaes.
To sum up my sexual behavior, I lay my cards on the table and smeared some on the sundaes.
"I'm a traditionalist. When it comes to bed, I'm supposed to be the woman..."
"I don't do P&S..."
"I don't do S&M..."
"I don't do golden showers, even rainbow showers..."
"I don't do rimming since it causes hepatitis..."
"I don't like to be forced, especially if I know that I will feel extreme pain afterwards..."
"I only kiss, suck, and, if I like the guy, f*ck as well."
So, still interested?
1) The people behind Kids TV are busy preparing for a press conference this weekend, welcoming the show to its new channel. I was assigned to be one of the hosts along with my co-writer and our associate producer. We were already forewarned about the use of green jokes, but I don't know about that.
2) I will be updating maruja radio in the coming days with hot tracks for your listening pleasure.
3) JUST ASKING: Would you feel offended if people ask you about sex?
About Mr. L, I would try to tell him honestly what the deal is and I really feel.
Just my two cents though, though unsolicited.
About the question on sex, I think it really depends on the context and/or situation.
Fri Mar 03, 12:10:00 AM GMT+8
lol! i just noticed this... OMG! and it's been ages... LOL! I'm so embarassed! ^_^
Tue May 02, 06:26:00 AM GMT+8
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