The Weird Habits Tag And Other Random Lives

The rules/procedures are as follows:The first player of this game starts with the topic "five weird habits of yourself," and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. Don't forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says "You are tagged" (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours.
Well, my main habits (but it's up to you if you call them "weird") are as follows:
1) I have an addiction to make the Sign Of The Cross when travelling. I do it before riding a cab, when the cab started to move, while passing a church, while the bus is speeding by the overpass (and when I said speeding, I do mean 100 kph-buses), before taking a tricycle, and a few blocks near my home. Traveling here in the Emerald Isles is crazy. You can never tell if the transport you're riding has an asshole of a driver/ drunkard/ robber.
2) My friends often accuse me of murmuring words that I have just said. I still demand for proof.
3) I jump at the first scoop of water being splashed on my head during baths. I guess that is how my body reacts to cold water.
4) I tend to flick my fingers when I walk outdoors. Don't ask me why, it's still a mystery that needs to be solved.
5) Everytime I encounter a guy during casual sex, I tend to put my nose on his shoulders to smell his pheromones (more popularly known as body odor). What's so gross about that? Animals determine their mates through odor, why can't us humans?
With that, I relinquish this tag to five bloggers. And after a bout of serious thoughts, I shall pass them to:
Happy Tagging, mga friends!
Working for a TV show has its perks. No, we don't get commissions like call center agents. No, we don't eat at expensive restaurants like advertising executives. No, we don't go to Boracay for free like models.
We get freebies.

I got an outline for Spongebob Squarepants with Patrick Starfish. Dad got Baby Pooh and Tigger, while my "tween" little brother will get a collage of Looney Tunes characters.

Getting freebies is one of the reasons why I enjoy this job. Having things for free is a privelege of celebrities, and being a part of the celebrity world (somewhat) we partake on that privelege.
Hey. Don't accuse us for being cheap. You should have seen the entertainment reporters. While we just gladly ACCEPT the freebies, entertainment writers DEMAND for freebies. Besides, there is nothing wrong with accepting goods with an open heart. These are times of crises, if you know what I mean.
I've just found out that a traditional dance in the Emerald Isles called TINIKLING is being taught in American and Canadian elementary schools, and its popular among the kids.
How this innovation in their curriculum is still unknown to me, but as far I know it started as an instructional video for teachers. According to the manual on your right, teaching Tinikling to kids has many benefits including cooperation, coordination, communication, rhythm, motor skills teamwork, eye-foot dexterity, "and it's fun!"
And as if dancing the tinikling using bamboo sticks or PVC pipes are not enjoyable enough, some schools utilize what they call "tinikling jumping cords" which consists of velcro bands and allows the dancers (and even the children whose ankles are attached with these jumping cords) to "use a variety of dance steps with many geographic designs." Kinda reminds me of the game "Chinese garter" that I used to play as a child.
I've posted some months back about how Pancit will rule the world. That there would come a time that people from the West appreciate the Filipino cuisine and thus erasing the stigma of it being too gross or too greasy. But now I'm beginning to realize that we as Filipinos have a lot more to share worldwide. More than the food, the traditional dances, the fantaseryes, even our SMS language and gay lingo (cherva!). As our world begins to "shrink" because of modern technology, we have become closer to the rest of the world. We are being introduced with new cultures and perspective, while we share our pride and traditions to other countries. And someday, we Filipinos will rule the world.
Just don't pass the balut.
Thanks for the tag. I just answered it :)
Sun Jan 15, 03:20:00 AM GMT+8
here via michele... your cross sign is quite interesting... i can see myslef picking this habit up as well...
Sun Jan 15, 12:34:00 PM GMT+8
Just wanna ask... uh... What's that tag thing?
Sun Jan 15, 07:46:00 PM GMT+8
hey thanks for tagging me!
it was totally a mind-boggling experience, but fun nonetheless!
now on your # 5, does the odor indicate whether to proceed or not?
what if u meet a total hottie but smells like a rat? hehe. hopefully you can drag him to shower first!
Mon Jan 16, 04:13:00 AM GMT+8
DEMENTIA -- you're welcome!
KILLIRED -- i'm pleased to hear that. you know, we can never be sure with travel safety nowadays.
ASIATIC NEIL -- i did a post about my 5 "weird" habits. i passed it to 5 people, including you, to do the same (so you could pass it to 5 people, too.)
KISS MY MIKE -- even if i encountered a hottie, i tend to get a bit turned off if he has an awful odor. but if we're naked already, we'd probably do it in the shower. you know, "tiis-ganda" (tiis kunwari maganda).
Mon Jan 16, 04:07:00 PM GMT+8
I answered the tag already! Thanks! Keep 'em coming, I guess! Hehehehe... :-)
Oh I love freebies as well! Tickets to EK, cool! I wanna go there this summer since it's been ages since I was able to ride that nice ride called Flying Fiesta! Oh well, just keep enjoying your job and the freebies!
Wow! Tinikling overseas! Galing ha! Well, it's a fun dance and the costumes are wonderful. I got to try that when I was in elementary, you know, the foundation day celebration chuva and it's an unforgettable experience. Hmmm.... Isn't Pancit Chinese in origin? Correct me if I'm wrong. And yes, ignore the balut! It sucks! Hehe.. :-)
Mon Jan 16, 07:02:00 PM GMT+8
Hehehehe... astig.
I'll try to post one, too. But I'm warning you... mine's really really weird... outlandish... incredulous... barbaric... nah!
I'm just eating Wasabi today just to keep myself awake. You know... have a contest tomorrow at La Salle Dasma... newscasting stuff...
Arrgh... all thah facahlty surprahsed mah baut thah! I dannah... i was munchan mah bargah than may praf cahled me an hahs affice.
Sheeesh... I'm getting the nerves... I'm a novice in tv newscasting... hindi ko alam ang mga aparato... sheeeett.... baka matalo lang ako... kainis ang mga prof ko... masyado kasi akong sikat... arrrrgh... hehehe
Tue Jan 17, 07:36:00 PM GMT+8
TALAMASCA -- flying fiesta is cool. the last time i rode it, i let go of my hands and imagine i was darna. pretty corny. when you do go there, that 4D theater is highly-recommended (it's a total laugh trip).
ASIATIC NEIL -- you're welcome. too bad we didn't tackle newscasting back in college (our course focused more on advertising)
Thu Jan 19, 05:22:00 PM GMT+8
Hehehe.... I won third place. 2 from lasalle grabbed the 1st and 2nd respectively.
Read niyo na lang po blog ko bout the details.
Fri Jan 20, 11:44:00 AM GMT+8
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