Celebrity Spotting/ Multi-Media Multi-Tasker
I'm still cracking my way deep into the Philippine Showbizlandia and because of my early exposure to this industry (I hugged Dolphy when I was five), I have become used to spotting local celebrities in public places.
Filipinos, especially the masses, love to spot celebrities. And when they do, it is as if they have found a long lost friend. Shrieking in delight, screaming the name, and waving towards them, with matching "Can I have an autograph?" even at the celebrity's private moments like malling or watching a movie.
Not all celebs take this over-fascination with a grain of salt. One actor (should I mention the name?) got so pissed after a teenager repeatedly shouted the his name while walking in a mall. The actor went near the lad and grabbed his neck as if trying to wring the poor guy's life dry.
A female TV host got a bit insulted after a random lady waved at her. Since the female celeb wants to unwind with her coffee at an outdoor cafe, she didn't noticed the female fan until she heard the comment "She is snooty in person!"
People should realize that celebrities are people, too. They work so hard (or so little, depending on how you view things) and they need to relax just like the rest of us bourgeois. So whenever they are in a public place, like a restaurant, just treat these celebrities like other strangers.
Ignore them.
Or at least pretend you ignore them.

Stare at them for about two seconds.
Close your eyes.
Then look away, while lingering that brief moment in your memory.
Simple, right? Not necessarily.
Fast forward. After watching Memoir's last full show, I calmly walked my way out of the closing mall. Just as I stepped on an escalator, a couple had just stepped out of the moving staircase. As they turned around, the guy looked up to me and I almost froze.

It's Dennis Trillo!
At that moment, I just looked away so instant that his face almost failed to linger in my mind.
Aaaaargh! I can't help but be nervous at that situation.
But I still kept my calm as I looked away and minded my own business desecending on the escalator. When I saw that he wouldn't see me, I let my jaw drop and checked my heart if it was still there.
Yup, it stayed there.
I guess God did not want me to be confined in just one job. Just this week, I got another freelance work as a story development team member for an established movie outfit. We would meet for at least twice a month for storylines to be used in television shows and movies. I freaked out when I learned that I got the job. Imagine, my venture into Showbizlandia is slowly getting clearer, and I get to work with "Queen Mother."
But here's the rub. My first brainstorm meeting will be tomorrow, just as Kids TV will travel to Pampanga two shoot for two episodes. I told my Director/ Dad and Production Manager that I would follow to the location just after the meeting.
Now I have three different jobs in three different illustrious industries: Events (with my ex-boss), Television (with my current boss), and Movies, all of which have extremely flexible skeds and I hope I could manage to fit everything in.
1) Still sad (no, devastated) by the fact that I wouldn't watch my play's only run this March 26 since I would be in Vigan by that time. Now I would have to content myself watching a run-through on the 24th and will watch a video of the play a week after. Kainis!
2) I'm also sad that Blogexplosion is on sale. I hope this company will fall in good hands.
3) After telling my sister about me spotting Jackie and Gian, she asked me if Jackie's beautiful. I told her, "Yes, she more beautiful in person, no doubt." She asked again, "More beautiful than Iwa Moto?" I answered, "I only said she's more beautiful in person."
4) Currently searching a good (and free) file hosting site where I can put maruja radio into good use. Myfilehut has been having problems with its server recently, and it's no fun that you browse my blog without some good tunes. Any suggestions?
4) JUST ASKING: How do you manage your tight schedule?
I really don't mind if there are celebrities around me. Somehow I am used to them being all over the place, since DLSU (where I studied) and Glorietta (where I and my family go shopping whenever we're in Makati) are havens for these people. LOL. Anyhoo, haven't you tried the hosting service I've e-mailed you? It's one helluva great hosting site. The best.
Fri Mar 10, 07:34:00 PM GMT+8
It's fun to spot celebrities. I don't see many in Minnesota unfortunately.
Sat Mar 11, 08:47:00 PM GMT+8
try to register on filelodge.com for your mp3, videos, photos and other files. or for larger sizes or applications, try rapidshare.de
whenever i see celebs going out of their hibernations for their occassional malling, i just walk ahead. maybe it's becoz' i really am not a person who enjoys "showbiz" personalitites. buti sana kung hollywood tycoons yan hehe.
Sun Mar 12, 04:22:00 PM GMT+8
TALAMSCA -- Thanks for the suggestion. I am using it right now.
ROCKY -- Yup, it is a fun thing. Good luck on your book!
CHAS -- When will you be back for a vacation?
LORDLANCE -- Oh, meeting Hollywood stars would be a dream for me.
Tue Mar 14, 09:38:00 PM GMT+8
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