The 100th Post

I have a shoot today at Enchanted Kingdom as they are unveiling new attractions, particularly a train ride inspired from Exodus, the movie they produced last Christmas, and an early evening parade. Yup, the theme park's beginning to become Disney-eque.
I was informed that the pull-out (meaning the time we are supposed to leave) was at 7 a.m. So, being aware of my constant tardiness, rushed into the bathroom, put on some clothes, took an early bus, and was startled once I got into the office.
No one was there. Well, almost.
Our executive producer was about to leave the office when she spotted me. "Didn't the production manager tell you that the pull out was reset to 1 p.m.?"
I was dumbfounded. "She didn't inform me," I said.
So I have to wait for 6 long hours in the office watching local TV, play spider solitaire, and trying to finish this blog on time (as if 6 hours are not enough).
Where's my worm?...
My technical production assistant just arrived. "Am I late," he asked.

Meanwhile, I was informed that I Love Paris will not be given the green light, so at least that's a sigh of relief for now.
After researching through the net, I learned that the I Love Paris was planned since February, with a different love team as lead. Catch is, it was only a concept of making a movie set in Paris using a tentative title of I Love Paris.
However, my co-writer and I created a storyline that is set in Paris, unaware then of the previous plan.
So if the film company would change its mind and starts with shooting for I Love Paris, I hope it doesn't involve anything our storyline contains.
This serves as a reminder to all aspiring writers (if there are some who lurk in my blog) to copyright your works. I have learned my lesson, but that doesn't mean I would stop pursuing a career in screenwriting. I'll just be more careful this time.
I used to say that whenever I dream of a certain person, he or she would most likely dream of me also.
Well, I dream of you, again.
The situation was quite peculiar. We were in a cafeteria. I was ordering for my food when I looked back and saw you on a table, alone.
You seemed to have changed since the last time I saw you. You looked dapper in your pinstripe folded long-sleeved shirt, while I...well, I was wearing my military training uniform I used back in freshman year. Only that the beret was red.
Seeing you was both a joy and a pain. I wanted to smile and say hi, but was afraid you wouldn't notice me.
And my fears won over. I tried to cover myself as I walked past you. Seems like I haven't changed.
I looked back and saw you again. With your new look, I thought you have moved on, and I'm glad for that.
Don't worry about me. I've always been this silly. I couldn't take off my old military training uniform, and I guess I would still be wearing that in my dreams for days, perhaps years, to come.
But what if we do meet each other again? Would you smile for me? I would try. Would you say hi to me? I would probably smile. Would you come near me? I would probably wait for you to come near me. If not, I would just bow my head and walk away.
You probably have moved on.
Jake Cuenca appears on the cover of the latest issue of X-Ray Magazine. Also featured in the magazine are Alfred Vargas, Arthur Solinap, Justin Cuyugan, Mike Tan, Biboy Ramirez, and Kris Martinez. Available in the Philippines for P380. Where's my salary when I need it most? Grrr...

1) As you can see by now, I have eliminated some links at the sidebar. I just discovered that some of the links are not functioning, and I wanted to feature sites that I actually read. Will update the sidebar with new sites in the coming days.
2) I'm planning to replace my blog renter with something more substantial. In the meantime, don't forget to post a comment or send me an e-mail about my latest posts. Who knows? Baka ikaw ang buena mano.
omg. magkaka-hard on yata ako sa mag na yan. kala lang bakit ang mahal? worth the price ba?
Sat Apr 22, 05:19:00 PM GMT+8
Congratulations on 100 posts!
Sorry about the I Love Paris fiasco. You are very talented though, I amn sure something even better will come your way.
I’m still fighting WordPress at the new blog, but decided I needed to swing by blogroll buddies and say howdy!
I'm glad I survived the blogroll purge LOL I appreciate your link.
Hope you have a terrific weekend - the weather in the KC area is spectacular!
Sat Apr 22, 10:55:00 PM GMT+8
100th post. wow. ;)
hey, thanks for the tip. i think i'll go with the office-office attire just to be safe hehe. i just wish i could bend the rules though.
Sun Apr 23, 10:13:00 AM GMT+8
congrats on your 100th post! here's to 100,000 more! :)
Sun Apr 23, 10:51:00 PM GMT+8
Congrats on number 100! Yeah, I'd get rid of "rent my blog" in favor of blogads. Let me know if you want an invite, as I think they've gone referral only. I rent out my space and like the cash better than the points!
Sun Apr 23, 11:29:00 PM GMT+8
TENCHU -- well, they say it's worth the price tag, but honestly i miss chika-chika. yikes!
MARTI -- thanks a lot for the encouraging words! the summer weather here in manila is hot, really hot.
MIKHAEL -- i hope my advice helps :)
RIBBITICUS -- thanks! there's got to be a champagne somewhere...
SCOTT -- i'm actually contemplating about it now. will inform you.
CHAS -- thanks also! i'm no longer expecting any credit. just respect will do.
Wed Apr 26, 02:08:00 AM GMT+8
Wonderful and informative site, well written, easy to navigate. I like your site very much! Great work!
Mon Sep 25, 06:05:00 PM GMT+8
I every morning begin with visiting of your site now. These actions raise my mood and take my words, better than any auto-training. Now I understand, that for site creation it is necessary to be not webmaster, but the psychologist.
Wed Oct 04, 01:36:00 AM GMT+8
Sorry for your time.... Why i can't see images on this resource?
My Browser is: Opera.
Thank you.
Thu Oct 12, 07:36:00 PM GMT+8
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