Selling My Soul...For That?
Simple, because I like mine long.
But this time, I'm trying to make this post short, like an awful one-night stand. Hope you don't come quick.
I'm trying my best to concentrate on this entry, however by some stroke of bad luck, I found myself in a noisy noisy net cafe littered with noisy noisy high school students who waste their time playing Ragnarok and some other online games after class amidst a noisy noisy noise coming from the radio that plays nothing but novelty songs. Not that I hate novelty songs, but if you could only hear how loud it is, and if you could also only hear how rowdy these kids surrounding me are, it kinda leaves you in a blank state, unable to type in your innermost thoughts and colorful random lives.
Oh crap. Let's just continue with this.

"Are you willing to sell you soul to work for a glossy?" -- Meryl Streep, The Devil Wears Prada
Like I told you, I had a job interview last Monday. How did it go?
The interview was for a certain outsourcing company. I won't divulge what the exact name is, because it's easily searched on google. Anyway, I went to the interview venue a little late, but good thing it wasn't a big deal.
Before I was interviewed, I was given a test paper consisting of grammar exams and some English competency tests. I think I did well, like I needed to review my English skills (yabang, yabang).
But the events took a strange turn, at the interview.
The HR staff told me that the company had two sets of clients: the mainstream and...the adult. She asked me which type of client would I be comfortable working with.
Shocking as it may sound, but I had a weird feeling about the company when I was researching about in on the Net, and most of the time I find the company's name on a number of adult websites.
I replied that I had researched about the company and I was pretty much comfortable with "both" clients. Wait, did I just say that?
While waiting for another set of examinations, I was reminded of that quote I heard while watching a preview for "The Devil Wears Prada." Am I willing to sell my soul to work for this?
I said yes, if the price is right, and took the second set of exams.
It was an arduous exam I tell you since I had to complete six of them, all of them had to do with writing. One exam was to write a story about a set of pictures that remind you of that bangbus site. You know, picking unsuspecting young girls in a van and make sluts out of them?
I didn't exactly wrote a masterpiece (I mean, would adult literature get me a Palanca Award?), but the story I wrote about it was pretty much at par with what I read in most adult sites.
Going home, I was thinking whether I would get the message that I passed. All that was clouding in my mind was if the adult clientele would pay me higher than what I earn now (a dismal P10,000 a month that sometimes gets delayed and becomes a much more dismal P2,500...a month), I would get that damn job.
But I guess God had other plans.
Dad submitted my resume at where he works. The job opening would be tough, but I hope I would get that one. I spare you from counting chicks before they hatch, so I ask my dear subjects...errr, readers, I should get used using that pray with me.
I pray too, you know.
BOO: TO SOLAR ENTERTAINMENT. For showing World Cup games on a very very delayed basis, and instead broadcast the live games at posh bistros, bars, and hotels, giving Filipinos the impression that football is for the rich and elite. tsk tsk...
YEY: TO ABC-5. For continuing fueling our enthusiasm for Philippine Idol by featuring new teasers and previews every week. We hope Philippine Idol would indeed become a television phenomenon. PLUG: Don't forget to visit Philippine Idol Updates for the latest about this upcoming program.

BOO: TO VARIETY SHOW "ASAP." For having a copycat logo of Philippine Idol for their lame production number.
YEY: TO BUBBLE GANG. For this funny rock song spoof.
I'm keeping the men-worshipping to myself for now. I'll share them to you once I'm done, just kidding.
ang gnda ng new layout mo empress! i luv it..and its nyc to the eyes...:P
Thu Jun 29, 04:51:00 PM GMT+8
ang gnda ng new blog template mo maruja!
Thu Jun 29, 04:54:00 PM GMT+8
good luck on your interview/application. i'm sure you'll do just great wherever you might end up with. but you don't have to sell your soul.
p.s. i'm looking forward to philippine idol!
Thu Jun 29, 07:42:00 PM GMT+8
I'll be praying for your the meantime, enjoy the break :)
Sat Jul 01, 02:38:00 AM GMT+8
hope this new one pans out for you. ;)
Sun Jul 02, 03:11:00 PM GMT+8
I will be praying for you to get the very best job!
Best wishes to you!
Tue Jul 04, 02:00:00 AM GMT+8
I will be praying for you to get the very best job!
Best wishes to you!
Tue Jul 04, 02:01:00 AM GMT+8
Oh! I loke this new design too!
Tue Jul 04, 02:02:00 AM GMT+8
Oh! I loke this new design too!
Tue Jul 04, 02:02:00 AM GMT+8
bout sa world cup oo nga, sobrang delayed. sa destiny cable may live feeds pwede pero u have to subscribe the full season costs 5 thousand pesos eh namahalan ang mom ko kaya nagtiis nlng ako na panuoorin sa solar sports + :/
Thu Jul 06, 08:09:00 AM GMT+8
about sa WC oo nga. sa expensive hotels nga live broadcast. pero susme magchecheck in pa ba mgatao just tow atch it? sa destiny cable nga pwede kang magsubscribe the whole season costs 5 thou eh hindi pumayag mom ko mahal daw kaya nagtiis na lang din ako sa solar sports :/
Thu Jul 06, 08:11:00 AM GMT+8
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