New Template, Same Old Imperial Fag
Uy... (as I twiddle my fingers while waiting for the dial-up to load)
That was my reaction when I saw my new template for the first time. With many thanks to Chas of Bend It Like A Banana, he put in this cute design (although this is similar to my friend The Goddess' site).
What I really love about my new design is the navigatible sidebar (and it's clean! CLEAN!).
However, this is just a temporary template. The new template is still being worked out and the first stumbling block Chas and I encountered is the header.
What image would best fit this site? I suggested a photo of Empress Dowager, but Chas thought it look too old for my persona. And then, just now, a eureka moment popped in my head.
I'm now searching for the appropriate images and will send it to Chas for editing. I promise...
It would be Amazing.
It would be Magical.
It would be Beautiful, like me.
So in the meantime, let's hold hands again in suspense.

My Dad (who by now you know works in a major TV network) never understands my fanatical attitude towards certain TV shows. He would always say that I'm working in the Broadcasting Industry and screaming in delight or laughing whole-heartedly while watching my fave shows is a faux pas.
But what can I do? I grew up in a TV studio, I love watching TV and it's an added privelege that I now work in a TV show.
And my new-found fanaticism is starting to grow anew with the upcoming first season of Philippine Idol. I am so excited about this show, I started spreading the good news in different Filipino forums and fansite, sometimes acting like an advice columnist for those aspiring idols who ask about the audition phase of this competition.
So don't be surprised that within a few months my blog would be littered with Philippine Idol whatevers while babbling about my random lives.
INTERMISSION NUMBER: Babae Po Ako (I'm A Girl, Not A Fag)
Your empress will take a break. In the meantime, here's a special production number. (applause)
The City of Manila has passed a resolution banning the showing of The Da Vinci Code within its city limits.
What kind of drastic effect that would do? Most of Manila's cinemas have turned into bathhouses anyway.
You know the TV network war is going bad when:
The two major networks have their own Mount Everest Climbing Team.
Don't get angry. That's just my imperial opinion.
RANDOM HOT MEN: Romnick Perrea
A candidate of Face Of Basilica. Yum!

I am working on a directory of blogs created by Thomasians. If you are an alumnus (or alumna) of The Royal and Pontifical University of Santo Tomas, send me an e-mail ( containing your blog title, blog URL, and course/major of blogger. Spread the good news!
LOVE the new design! The color is great, and I agree -- the sidebar is nice and clean, easy-to-use.
I can honestly say I've never been to a movie theater-turned-bathouse. Here in San Jose, Costa Rica there are only 2 sad, awful saunas.
I was so surprised to hear about the Phillippine Idol. I imagine we won't be getting that show here (busy preparing for Latin American Idol), so I'll stay tuned for more gossip from your site!
Sun May 21, 12:31:00 AM GMT+8
hi there! love this new design! the color is so cool! you and chas' collaborating on it was a great idea. good thing you nixed the empress dowager pic coz i think it would have been way too old for you too... :)
like you, am also eagerly anticipating philippine idol, being a self-confessed reality junkie myself. :)
Mon May 22, 01:04:00 AM GMT+8
SCOTT -- Thanks for the compelement. Don't worry, I'll keep you posted.
RIBBITICUS -- I'm glad you're just as excited as I am.
CHAS -- Ay...the pics I gave you didn't work? Don't worry, I'll look for something else.
Mon May 22, 02:37:00 PM GMT+8
There's a better and funnier video at youtube....
Try to search "The Gay Creeps Dancers"
... Enjoy then!
Mon May 22, 04:40:00 PM GMT+8
hey ive seen two other blogs that have the same layout but oh well! it's the content that matters right? anyway dont worry those two arent using the layout anymore. ahahaha
Mon May 22, 06:36:00 PM GMT+8
halo sistah! di ko know yang Romnick na yan. Mas type ko yung ka batch kong si Romnick Sarmenta, musta na ba yon? ALive pa ba sya? BTW, tag kita. I have a meme for you (pakigawa pls ha?) Thanks in advance. Andito yung assignment mo: KALUSKOS
Tue May 23, 01:04:00 AM GMT+8
Your new template is awesome! Green! Very green! astig!
Inang kalikasan, are you there?
Oh I forgot, you're Empress Maruja nga pala!
Cool! ^_^
About the Philippine Idol chuvaness, we'll, because of the auditions in SM Dasma and SM Bacoor (daw), I was jumbled between traffics of different lanes. Na-late tuloy ako sa work. Hehehe.
Thu May 25, 12:20:00 AM GMT+8
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