Sacrifices, Frustrations, and Gay Childhood Ambitions
The answer? I was so engrossed with my upcoming project, and I'm still working on it.
At least, I've collected some interesting random lives for all of us to digest upon. You can breathe now...

The past few days have tested my principles and I have made some of the most difficult decisions so far.
First is the obvious. I have changed (you can say downgraded) my template into a simple default blogger wall paper. Although I love my former template, the downside is that it loads slower. Hence, I got what I wished for: faster loading, even for jurassic dial-ups.
Second is the deeper one. I have changed (you can say downgraded) my Kids' TV job and became a segment producer once again. Although it is nice writing for the show, my film writing career is eating up my TV shooting schedule (not that it's a bad thing). Besides, the environment in Kids TV has become volatile so to speak. Now, I only report to Kids' TV to facilitate segment shoots, assist during editing, and receive my weekly salary, which is between twice to thrice a week.
Will these choices benefit me greatly? I'll let you know when that comes.

My meetings in regards to writing for film are fun actually, but there's a rub. If we don't get to submit a concept that gets a green light in a month, we're out of the company.
And aside for my project (which isn't my concept), I have yet to present a good concept. I have pitched four so far and nothing gets past the rejection stage.
Not that my concepts are awful, the problem lies on the marketability of the concepts. For example, writing a Philippine movie about a blogger would not yield blockbuster appeal since only 2% of the population is computer-literate.
So while I was throwing some crazy concepts to my superior over the YM chat, I came up with a concept that she got interested in. I can tell she's interested once she started helping me in developing it. She told me to research about the topic so I could pitch it to the producer on our next meeting.
Let's just say that the concept is something new and it is not much explored in local movies (because it's SCARY, even while I was researching it). I hope this one gets a go. I'm crossing my fingers...and my toes, and I ask you to do the same.

Anyway, I was also looking forward to meet fellow alumni. Even though we have met often during the course of the auditions and pictorials, it was only that time when all of the five plays were rehearsed in one venue.
After the rehearsals, I joined with fellow blogger Paulie as we went to a co-alumni's apartment to spend dinner...and watch gay porn.

Oh how we envy ChiChi Larue! Imagine, hundreds of guys are at your mercy. It's like every gay man's dream.
Paulie and I exclaimed like children as we watched this sixteen-man delight, "When I grow up, I wanna be like ChiChi Larue. The ultimate mama-san!"
We all laughed at the quote.
I honestly not too keen in chatting, but I would like to introduce you to my new-found chatmate for over a week now.
His name is Luis and he's from Venezuela. I chanced upon him at the chatroom one time. I was drawn to his intriguing nick name, so I introduced myself (in a friendly way, mind you).
So now, everytime I am online during the wee hours of the morning revising my storylines and dabbling on the net, I talk to him over the chat while he's working at an import company. What I like about him is that he's a very warm person. We always find something to talk about. His lovelife (his boyfriend is also a hottie), my lovelife (if there IS one), his 15-year-old next door neighbor (whom I have the hots for), my chaotic career, anything.
I only introduced my blog to him last night, and so far he was impressed. He waiting to see this latest entry since I told him that I would feature him.And why not? Any normal imperial blogger would feature a guy this hot.
1) First of all, if you have friends over at the Emerald Isles called the Philippines, do tell them that Artistang Artlet's 25th Anniversary Presentation will be tomorrow, March 26 at PETA Theater Center, 5 Sunny Drive Street, behind Quezon City Sports Club, E. Rodriguez Avenue, QC. The show's only run will start at 6 PM. All original five plays featured (including the one I wrote) deal with the touchy-feeling subject of love. Ticket only costs P150. Text me at +639157411909 for more info.2) I got a very touching message over my mobile from a reader who claims as a relative of StarStruck finalist Gian Carlos. The message reads:
"Just wen through you blog. I loved the visuals and apparent intelligence. Thanks for the kind and honest words for Gian. This is his tita (aunt), which is not to say that the compliment is meant to be patronizing. Just want to say keep it up. We need more bloggers like you. More power! From Biko Mabilog." +63917301****
Wow, thanks for noticing my blog. I always bear in mind to be honest in my blogs. I don't put up a front (well, not anymore). I don't patronize things in this blog that I don't patronize in real life, stuff like "drugs are cool." But do expect a lot of craziness in this site in the coming entries.
3) Meanwhile, StarStruck 3 Sole Survivor Marky Cielo was called to work right after the show's finale. Aside from being part of Love 2 Love Season 10, he is also included in the cast of Encantadia: Love Until The End, where he plays as King Ybrahim's son from Odessa, who is suspected as the future killer of his own father (as prophesied by a fortune-teller). Catch is Ybrahim has three children from three different women. Here's a preview of his first TV project.