Life Life: The Agony...THE AGONY!

I discovered that one of the blogs I linked with has a particular song in his MP3 player, and I was so squeamish but at the same time excited to press the PLAY button and listen to that song.
The song is Kenny Rankin's "Hiding Inside Myself," about a love that is never express, and at the same time often joked as a gay anthem. Yes, my dearies, that song had some sort of a significance in my life, back when I was an innocent and naive peasant (meaning, back in college).
I don't want to drown you with the details. Let's just say someone sang that to me, and being coy about everything, I only thought it was just that...a song. It was only too recent too late for me to realize its true meaning.
Hearing the intro all over again was a mix of joy and agony. I was smiling yet shedding tears. Basilio? Crispin? Just kidding.
Each part of the lyric speared right through me, but the only part I was anticipating was at the end of the song. I never heard the song until its end before. Did Kenny Rankin whisper something?
The answer appeared in a very faint voice
"I love you."
He did.
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